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n. කයිරුව

n. කුලුනෙහි සතරැස් අඩිය

n. පදනම

n. ප්‍රතිමාවෙහි සතරැස් අඩිය

Civ. පාකඩ

Bot. පේකඩ


Plinth (noun): A heavy base or platform upon which a statue, column, or structure rests, often serving as a decorative element or supporting structure. Typically made of stone, wood, or concrete, a plinth provides stability, elevation, and emphasis to the object it supports.

Plinths are commonly found in architecture, sculpture, and design, adding visual weight and significance to the objects mounted on top. The word "plinth" originates from the Latin word "plinthus," meaning "brick."

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