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Phy. අහුව

n. ආඬ්යා

Art. ඔසොවුව

n. කඩදාසි කුට්ටමේ බූරුවා

n. කොස්

Phy. ජැක්කුව


Jack (noun) - A mechanical device used for lifting heavy objects, typically consisting of a metal bar with a set of gears and a hook at one end, capable of exerting a great amount of force to raise objects off the ground. Jacks are commonly used in automotive maintenance to lift vehicles for repair work.

The term "jack" can also refer to a playing card in a standard deck, typically bearing a picture of a young nobleman on it. Variants of the word include "jack up", meaning to raise or elevate something, and "jackpot", meaning a large prize or sum of money.

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