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n. සනීපාරක්ෂාව උගන්වන ශාස්ත්‍රය

n. ස්වස්ථතාව

n. ස්වාස්ථ්‍ය විද්‍යාව


Hygiene, noun. The practice of maintaining cleanliness and promoting good health, particularly through personal grooming and sanitary measures. Hygiene encompasses a range of habits and practices designed to prevent the spread of illness and disease, including regular bathing, handwashing, and cleaning of living and work spaces.

Good hygiene is essential for overall well-being and the prevention of infection. It plays a fundamental role in public health and is crucial in healthcare settings to minimize the risk of healthcare-associated infections. Hygiene practices are often culturally influenced and may vary across different societies and time periods. The term "hygiene" derives from the Greek word "hygieinē," meaning "healthful" or "healthy."

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