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n. අස්වැසීම

vt. සතුටු කරනවා

v. සනසනවා

n. සහනය

n. සැනසිල්ල

st. සැප

n. සැප පහසුව

v. සැප සලසනවා

n. සැපපහසුව (sepapahasuwa)


Comfort is a state of physical or emotional ease and contentment. It refers to a feeling of relaxation, security, and reassurance.

Comfort can come from many sources, such as a cozy blanket, a warm cup of tea, or the presence of loved ones. It can also be found in familiar surroundings or routines.

Comfort provides a sense of well-being and helps alleviate stress and anxiety. It is important for mental health and overall happiness.

Embracing comfort can lead to relaxation and a sense of peace, allowing individuals to recharge and rejuvenate.

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