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Acc. ගිණුම් කටයුතු භාවය

Acc. ගිණුම් කිරීමේ වගකීම

Soc. වගකිව යුතු බව

Acc. වගකීම

n. වග කිවයුතු බව

n. උත්තර දියයුතු බව

n. උත්තරදායීත්වය

n. නීතියෙන්‌ බැඳුණු

n. වගකීමට යටත්‌

n. හේතු දක්විය යුතු බව


Accountability (noun): The obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions, decisions, and behavior. A state of answerability and liability for one's conduct and performance, typically in a professional or ethical context.

Accountability involves being answerable to oneself, others, or a higher authority for the consequences of one's actions, and may involve transparency, justification, and consequences for failure to meet expected standards. Hold oneself or others accountable for their actions to maintain trust, integrity, and ethical standards in personal, professional, or organizational settings.

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